Nancy Gonzales

Nancy Gonzales contacted Portland car accident injury attorney Rob Kline and Rob Kline Personal Injury Lawyer after an automobile accident. While waiting her turn at a stop sign, an oncoming car crossed the double yellow line and slammed into her car. The impact spun her car 180 degrees, totaling the vehicle.

I watched him coming, Nancy recalls today. No signal, no attempt to slow down. His car lifted me off the street, and onto the lawn of the neighboring house.

Nancy was injured, and sought medical attention. Her aftercare included visits to an acupuncturist, who recommended Rob Kline.

The two joined forces, and almost one year to the day, secured a favorable settlement for the case.

Patience and compassion are what Nancy remembers best. What impressed her the most: The fact that Rob Kline used to work for major insurance companies, when his job was to defeat claims like the one Nancy was trying to settle.

Rob knew how to use this knowledge to my advantage. He knew what insurance companies do and how they do it. He wasn’t surprised by their underhanded tactics. He told me that I didn’t have to deal with them myself that he would take care of it for me. And he did. Now I keep his card in my wallet and I am always willing to give him a reference.

Nancy Gonzales
Portland, Oregon

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