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These seven things you should do immediately after an accident will protect your rights and preserve your settlement bargaining position.

Medical Bills After an Oregon Personal Injury Claim There are a number of options available to deal with your medical bills while you are waiting to resolve your personal injury claim. Every case is different, and it is important to take an exhaustive look at all possible options. Options for paying your immediate medical bills[...]

When you are presented with an offer from the insurance company, you should not accept it right away, unless a legal deadline is about to run.

You don't need a lawyer for every claim. If you have a minor injury and make a quick recovery, you probably can resolve your claim on your own. However, if you have a more significant injury or you face a longer recovery, you should consider hiring a lawyer. Without an experienced attorney on your side,[...]

The value of a personal injury case is affected by many factors. These factors include the amount of medical bills and wage loss, the nature and duration of medical treatment, how your injuries have affected your day-to-day activities, and what the future holds. These factors, or "damages", contribute to the potential value of your case. Types of[...]

You can find a good lawyer by asking three questions.