When Trevor Maffei was in a car accident several years ago a car ran a red light and struck his car while he was in the intersection he was at a loss. He had never been in an accident like this before, and didn’t know his rights. Trevor had been injured, his car had sustained significant damage, and the at-fault drivers insurance company didn’t want to pay for his losses.
He decided to seek legal counsel, and was referred to Rob Kline, and Kline’s Law Offices. Rob researched and used a specific Oregon statute to ensure the maximum settlement the law allows.
A few years later, Trevor’s car was again struck by someone running a red light.
This time there was no hesitation: Trevor gathered all the accident information, including eye witness accounts, and called Portland injury attorney Rob Kline. Using the same legal strategy, Rob again helped his client receive the maximum dollar amount the law allows for this kind of claim.
Rob Kline is easy to work with, and explains things really well. He really gives you the confidence that he knows what he is doing and will get the most for you. Every time I called I’d be able to talk to him until all my questions were answered. He was very patient, offering clear explanations as to what was going on. After the second accident, I felt comfortable with him handling the case like he did before. That was nice, to be able to hand it off from the get-go.
Bottom line, why I would recommend Rob Kline: Efficiency and peace of mind.
Trevor Maffei
Portland, Oregon